Published on 29 June 2024 at 16:37





The First Nations of Colorado: A Tale of Resilience and Heritage


Once upon a time, more than 12,000 years ago, the land we now know as Colorado was a vast wilderness, untouched by modern civilization1. The first inhabitants were the Paleoindians, big game hunters who migrated from the north1. They were divided into the Clovis and Folsom cultures, distinguished by their unique spear points1. The Clovis were known as the “mammoth hunters,” while the Folsom were the "bison hunters"1.

As the Ice Age receded, the Archaic Culture emerged, adapting to the changing environment1. They were followed by the Ancestral Puebloans and Fremont People, who left behind fascinating artifacts and structures1.

However, the true original Coloradans were the Native American tribes that lived in the state before the Europeans arrived1. The Ute, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Apache, Shoshone, Comanche, Kiowa, and Navajo tribes each contributed to the rich tapestry of cultures and lifestyles that shaped Colorado1.

The Ute Tribe, Colorado’s oldest residents, had a deep respect for the land2. They believed they were a part of the mountains and always would be2. The Utes were nomadic, traveling in small bands consisting of a few families2. Despite their physical separation, these bands were united by a common language and shared rituals, such as the Bear Dance, a celebration of spring and rejuvenation2.


The arrival of Europeans in the 1600s marked a turning point in the history of Colorado’s First Nations2. Despite the challenges brought by this new era, the First Nations of Colorado persevered, their legacy enduring in the modern state of Colorado.

This tale of the First Nations of Colorado is a testament to their resilience, adaptability, and deep respect for the land. Their story is woven into the very fabric of Colorado, a reminder of the state’s rich and diverse heritage.



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