VCF-COLORADO-Last Chance-ColoradoHistory(story)

Published on 24 May 2024 at 12:36


The Ghost Town Time Capsule: Last Rites of Last Chance


April 26, 2024

The allure of ghost towns has always been irresistible. They are time capsules, offering us a glimpse into a bygone era. Today, we journey through the abandoned town of Last Chance, located on Colorado’s Eastern Plains1.

A Journey into the Past

When one hears the words “ghost town,” images of a manicured roadside attraction with a manufactured boardwalk and a gift shop often come to mind. Or perhaps, it’s a legally preserved space, boasting protective fences and information placards providing a snippet of the town history1. However, Last Chance is far from these preconceived notions.

Discovering Last Chance

The discovery of Last Chance was quite serendipitous, stumbled upon during a casual scroll through Reddit1. A quick search on Google Maps, and the unincorporated ruin piqued the interest, promising an adventure into the past1.

The All-American Ruins Podcast

As the producer of the award-winning abandoned: The All-American Ruins Podcast, it’s a job to seek out places like Last Chance that look like they’ve been raptured or sound like they have a story to tell1. The journey to an abandoned place always carries a degree of uncertainty: Will it still be there? Will it still be intact? Or will it be totally destroyed, either by nature or by a wrecking ball1?

The Arrival

Upon arrival, the anxiety was immediately replaced by awe. Hidden away on the Colorado Plains, Last Chance stood, a testament to a time long past1.

The Remnants of Last Chance

What’s left of the town is difficult to quantify, but essentially, there are three remaining structures that are fully intact. In their various forms, they resemble houses, but at one point, they were a house, a motel, and the motel office1.

The Story Behind the Name

The US Board on Geographic Names cites Last Chance, Colorado as one of six towns across the country bearing that name. As the name suggests, the Colorado version was just that: leaving Denver, it was the last chance motorists had to get gas, food, or a bed before hitting the empty plains for miles and miles1.


Last Chance, Colorado, is more than just an abandoned ghost town. It’s a time capsule, a window into the past, and a testament to the transient nature of time. It stands as a reminder of the stories that places hold, long after their inhabitants have gone.

This blog post was adapted from an episode of the abandoned: The All-American Ruins Podcast about a visit to Last Chance1.


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